"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them"


The dates on the links below are when the updates to my autobiography / health diary were completed. The updates usually cover the time period since the previous one. There is overlap in what I wrote, as the health diary updates were originally written for a different site than this one. There are some specific topics which are named rather than dated, and these have been put in approximately when I was doing them / they occurred.

1996 - 2000

March 2001

September  2002


My life to 2002

April 2003

June 2004 H

July 2004 H

January 2005 H

February 2005 H

September 2005 H

September / October 05 H

November 2005 H

March 2006 H

June 2006 H

September 2006 H

April 2007 H

September 2007 H

May 2008

July 2009

September 2011

September 2012

June 2013

December 2013

May 2014

Unpublished articles

January 2015

June 2015

January 2016

March 2016

August 2016

February 2017

July 2017

December 2017

August 2018

April 2019

November 2019

March 2020

November 2020

April 2021


Sylvie - My Autobiography

Inc Health Diary

Sylvie in

the Media

How to


with MS



with MS





Sylvie My Poems







2021 Day to Day Reality

January 2022

My Book

July 2022

December 2022

May 2023

December 2023

Rest In Peace


Memories of

Updates List

Sylvie —–––––– >

Now forever flying freely

whilst roaring loudly for all to hear.

                              Editor’s Memory

                              Sylvie promoting

                                her book at

                                every opportunity.

Available as a paperback & e-book online & at / through most bookstores.





I met Sylvia in around 1999 in Upperthorpe while she was quite active but battling early stages of MS. Over the next few years, I was always happy to bump into her. Once I took her to a Russian Circus Tent in a local park and her chair was almost stuck in the wet turf. I followed her story from getting married to having a son. A while later I was leafletting her street for the local election and knocked on her door to chat. At the time her helper hadn't shown up and Marcus needed a nappy change. I volunteered and it was a great shared moment. For the past 16 years I have been living in Canada and appreciate hearing from all Sheffield friends. Sylvia was pretty, fun and always positive. Very special to me. Barry

She was truly inspirational. David Gotteri

Have fond memories of her at Hallam School. Mayuri Savani

Sylvia was a trooper from start to finish. She was a legend of MSRC and New Pathways, being such an inspiration to so many. Helen Yates

My first encounter of Sylvie was reading about her skydiving exploits in New Pathways, the MS specialist magazine produced by the charity Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre. I had recently been officially diagnosed with MS and reading about Sylvie's adventures was really inspiring to me, it showed me that I could have a diagnosis and carry-on living life! MSRC then started their online chat room and I got to message with Sylvie. She was only four years younger than me but we both had the same attitude towards MS and that bonded our friendship. We swapped phone numbers and although our calls weren't necessarily regular, we'd always pick it up where we left off!

We actually got to meet in person at the receptions that MSRC held for their London Marathon runners. It was great to meet face to face and of course meet the fabulous Steve as well. Then against all odds Sylvie became pregnant and as I already had my two kids, I got to share my experiences with her. I do remember Sylvie messaging me and saying 'How do you manage to avoid catching every cold the little darlings bring home from school?!' Unfortunately, I didn't have a magic bullet for that, but Sylvie knew I was always there to lend an empathizing ear.

Over the years we both did various fundraising stunts for MSRC and always contributed to each other's sponsorship! After the pandemic I could no longer weight bear and so I decided to fundraise for myself this time and needed over £6,000 for a standing frame. Sylvie amazed me yet again by donating a massive £1000 which meant I could get the frame which I now use regularly and I think of Sylvie every time I use it.

We then had more shared experience in that we both have trans-daughters and similarly we just want our children to be happy regardless of gender. We had our own mutual appreciation society going on as I would end our telephone calls telling Sylvie how much she inspired me and she would say the same back to me! We are definitely kindred spirits and I miss Sylvie every day x 

Sylvie has always been a huge inspiration to me and the world will be a sadder place without her. She can now be reunited with Steve without her earthly restrictions.


Sylvia was a very special lady. Julia Lythaby

There are some I have never met who I will never forget. I will never forget Sylvia. Mike Deegan

I have so many happy memories of adventures and fun with Sylvia when we were kids, xx Lyndsay Pyrah

Although it's more than 20 years ago since I last saw Sylvia, I'll always remember the good times that we had, but also the long talks about life. Annemie Verwilt

She was such a warrior. Mandy Dawber

Sylvie meant a lot to me. Robert Smith

Sylvia was a warrior. An inspiration. Catriona McDiarmid

Sylvie was a true inspiration. - a light has gone out in the world. Sylvie was a force of nature and a truly lovely person.  Kristen Brown

She is leaving a huge hole. Doesn’t feel quite the same world. Growing up, the den in her back garden which was our club HQ, running in the back field, shows in my garage acting out Bernard Cribbins tunes to very small audiences. Dressing up and acting out stories, being a detective with Lindsay looking very suspicious, on the corner of the street. Making the cats Jim and Midge sing and then putting it to music. That she finished one cross country race wearing only 1 shoe.

Elizabeth Horrocks

This is a collation of some of the messages we have received since Sylvie passed on the 2nd March, thank you for all these and all the others that have been sent, they are all appreciated in the fullest. An additional page of remembrances and stories will be added sometime later.

I will miss her and her incredible jokes. She was a person who I admired a lot for her strength, her will to fight on, even though life could be hard and demand a lot of her. She kept on with her projects and even gave out a book. She was the first person I got know back in Freiburg, and she stayed in my life since the first cup of English tea at my room. When I visited her, she woke me up with a nice cup of tea with milk. I never had a boring moment with her and I loved our interesting conversations and her jokes. I will always remember her with love.

Ann-Cathrin Bergli

I am a little in shock to hear this very sad news. I am so grateful to have met Sylvie so many years ago on the internet. I found Sylvie through her website and the MSRC back when I was diagnosed in 2002. Her strength, wisdom, humour, honesty and determination inspired me and gave me hope. Since then, I have stayed in touch through email. 

I was pregnant with my only child around the same time as Sylvie. My daughter was 19 last month. 

I know for a fact that if I had never heard Sylvie's stories and adventures down through the years, I would have never done so well with dealing with my MS.

My MS started with optic neuritis and I get challenging periods with fatigue, pain and eye issues and slowed cognition and low mood but I have little permanent disability. The fatigue with MS can be frustrating but nothing compared to the challenges Sylvie had especially in recent years. She fought hard but also played hard in earlier days where she had great adventures with Steve. All her adventures in Florida and trips to places near and far and fundraisers hand gliding and jumping out of planes. She tried it all when she could and made the best of it. 

I thank you for all the updates in recent years when you brought Sylvie to hospital and sent me and her other friends updates on her health. The next few days I hope to open Sylvie's website on my big computer monitor and read through her life and remember her good times and I will toast a glass of wine to her tonight remembering a strong lady who was an incredible inspiration to me and many, many others with MS worldwide. Remember the good times, the laughs, the adventures and look after yereselves xx

Edwina Murphy

She was a wonderful person with an amazingly positive attitude to life in spite of all her difficulties. Hilary and Bob Hall

Sorry to hear this news even though this wasn't unexpected, I do not believe in death, as she is properly having a good time now celebrating what was a very challenging life, her crowning achievement was having a child…… a wonderful child.  Charlie Gee

Sylvia put up a great struggle with what is a horrible illness - and we can only admire what she managed to accomplish in those years.  Margaret and Dave Hill

I always admired Sylvia enormously for the way she coped with her MS.

Veronica Hardstaff

Sylvia's blog was inspirational and attitude to life with MS exemplary. Martin Payne

In spite of her long-term illness, I know that she kept on with her creative activities and will have left her mark. Dave Parry

It must be quite a long time since we saw Sylvia, but I've always had the impression that she battled her awful illness both resolutely and cheerfully.  I have a clear memory of talking with her after your father's funeral and although I understood she wasn't at all well at the time, she spoke brightly and was also concerned to know how our son, Jonathan, was keeping, since she knew he had Cystic Fibrosis - but how much less of an illness that has been than her MS. That she was able to continue battling for so many years must in some measure be due to the help and care you gave her for so long. 

Angela (and Adrian) Lepper

We didn't see Sylvia often, but we always admired her fighting spirit and courage. Her spirit of adventure, with which she conquered Mount Snowdon and a parachute jump, is unforgettable for us. We will keep her in the very best memories.

Meinhard Saremba and Beate Koltzenburg

We spent many enjoyable hours and a thrilling small plane ride with Sylvie and Steve. I am broken hearted about this, but I know she must have been suffering mentally and physically, as we were shocked to learn of Steve's death on one of her postings.

Debbie Frazier

Sylvie fought long and hard against this brutal disease. I would like to picture her and Daniel dancing upright together, looking down on us! Sharon Buchbaum

(Daniel’s widow)

Sylvia was one of the strongest and most positive people I have ever met. Gabriella

Sylvia always wrote so eloquently and beautifully. She wrote with so much expression and her writing was incredibly engaging.  No words can convey the deep sadness with which I write this email. But Sylvia would have known just the right words.

I have been reflecting on my memories of Sylvia. I remember one occasion when Sylvia and I went rock climbing with one of dear Dennis’s research assistants who was an expert climber.  Sylvia went up the rock face over 20 m high like a spider. She was fearless and brave. She looked up to the sky with joy as she went up. Then she abseiled down like she was flying.  I only went up one meter and screamed and had to be lowered down. We all laughed so much on that day. She had the ability to fill those around her with joy and enriched their lives. I was very fortunate to have known her, she was brave, ambitious and kind. Maria Toner

I lost a close childhood (and adulthood) friend Sylvia Wright yesterday, and the world lost a very bright light. There's nothing good about her being gone, so I'm not going to write about that. There were many, many, good things about her 50-and-a-half years here, though. Too many to mention, but a few in summary here...

Sylvia and I sat together in German classes, and quickly found a bond around our love of language, our quirky humour, and of course our interest in boys. We lost touch for a while when we went to uni, but when I came back to Sheffield I saw an article in the local paper about her and tracked her down. She had recently been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and, being Sylvia, had decided that the best way to deal with it was to do a skydive, as a fundraiser and to raise awareness.

She kept her mobility for a while but, having the progressive type of MS, that gradually and steadily started to deteriorate. I've been alongside much of her journey since; in person when I could, but sadly often from afar.

Never have I known such an incredibly resilient, fiercely alive, and utterly determined person in my life. Both in her own battles, and in her commitment to contributing to better understanding, awareness, and treatment of MS. Heartbreakingly, it was one of the many infections she has endured that finally took her, leaving behind her amazing brother and devoted carer, Matthew, her daughter Emerald, and a network of friends around the world.

There's so much more I could say, but instead here are a few highlights:

1. Being her 'maid of honour' at her wedding, including a mad dash down Langsett Road in Sheffield, with me running after her on her mobility scooter because we were almost late.

2. Our Friday curry nights at The Balti King in Broomhill, throughout the years I was back there and she was still able to get out and about.

3. Spending time with her and Steve in Florida, as part of my PhD research, but also as a really lovely break away with good friends during a very tough time in my life.

4. Creating an indoor fireworks display (sort of safely) when she couldn't get out, and deciding it was much better anyway.

5. Spending Christmas day with her and her family, one year when I was otherwise going to have to spend it alone. And feeling like I was with family after all.

6. Hearing her endless supply of new riddles and word plays, always clever and always funny, when she needed to keep that dazzling brain busy while bedbound.

7. Reading her wonderful book. I recommend it, and I'm so glad it's part of her legacy: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/1399922815/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid =&sr=

8. Being told off, repeatedly, when I visited her and didn't fully understand what she was asking me to do for her.

There's always regret at a time like this, and mine is that I didn't get back to Sheffield to see her recently. Despite the risks every time she got an infection, I let myself believe that she'd just always bounce back in true Sylvia style.

In addition to her book, you can learn more about her inspirational life and legacy here: https://www.livingwithms.co.uk/index.html  (Yes, this site; editor)

Rest well now Sylvia, I'm going to miss you. Xxx. The world has lost a true force of nature today. She's been such a fighter for so long, and such an inspiration.

Jacqui Wilmshurst Cowley

8th April 2024

Feel free to e-mail

Mail: brown.websites@gmail.com?subject=April 2024 Remembered

1996 - 2000

March 2001

September  2002


My life to 2002

April 2003

June 2004 H

July 2004 H

January 2005 H

February 2005 H

September 2005 H

September / October 05 H

November 2005 H

March 2006 H

June 2006 H

September 2006 H

April 2007 H

September 2007 H

May 2008

July 2009

September 2011

September 2012

June 2013

December 2013

May 2014

Unpublished articles

January 2015

June 2015

January 2016

March 2016

August 2016

February 2017

July 2017

December 2017

August 2018

April 2019

November 2019

March 2020

November 2020

April 2021



2021 Day to Day Reality

January 2022

My Book

July 2022

December 2022

May 2023

December 2023

Rest In Peace


Memories of

Updates List

< —Wheelchair      Modelling

Police posing with

Celebrity —>

< —–––––-

Alien posing with Celebrity

Editor’s Question

Which is the Alien?

As instructed


Taking a seat

in the

waiting room.

My first impression of Sylvia was, this girl is going to listen to only herself.

When a friend of mine was diagnosed with MS, I went on line looking up, "Living with MS" and Sylvia's name came up first. I read everything she wrote, sent her an e-mail thanking her for her information about MS and much to my surprise, she wrote back to me. I didn't expect that... and that's how it all started with her, several e-mails over what feels like a long time and then I had several days off on a tour I was working on and I was in Florida so I wrote to her thinking maybe she would be at their place in the Florida Keys and she was there and invited me down to meet her. I rented a car and was at her place the next day. I thought maybe my time there would just be a couple days... I was there 8 days and enjoyed every minute of that time with her and her family. Truly that was the best time of that year.

After I actually met her face to face in Florida my impression right away was all things considered this is probably the strongest woman I have ever met and even years later when I know she's had some serious limitations, I still had that same impression of her.

I can say as I’ve always said, I was blessed with meeting and talking with her about all kinds of things. And then there was phone calls from her, made it even better.

R J Burns

Memories page 2.